The 4easytech team is composed of highly skilled professionals who have acquired an extensive experience in IT, electronics, process management and human resources. Every member of our team is a perfect match for the others. We share our knowledge and expertise with the other team members and we learn from each other every single day. Our ongoing learning and growth processes enable us to provide excellent services and products to our valued customers.



After graduating in electrical engineering, he has been working in the electronics industry for twenty years. In particular, he is an expert in the design and development of advanced electronic components for several areas of application, such as manufacturing, transports, safety, food industry, as well as ultrasound and x-ray technology.

He is highly skilled in the field of data capture and data measuring systems, ultrasound tools, and in programming and implementing integrated circuits for various kinds of machinery, even complex ones. His experience in such domains has also been put to use in education, when he used to work as a high school teacher of electronics.

Moreover, over the years he has also gained a remarkable experience in researching, analyzing and designing development processes for companies, as well as in solving hardware and software problems for embedded applications.

At 4easytech anything related to any aspects of electronics undergoes his careful supervision and, because of that, it couldn’t be in better hands.



He is the General Manager of 4easytech. He graduated in electronic engineering with an IT specialization. Over the years, he has acquired a sound experience in project management (not just for IT products). At 4easytech he is in charge of project team management and customers relations.

His expertise concerns many programming languages (such as Visual Basic, Java, JavaScript, C, C#, HTML), as well as Microsoft’s and other brands’ technologies (TFS, SQL Server, IIS, Office, XML, ASP, SAX, JSP, J2EE).

He worked as IT Manager for a retail company where he had the opportunity to gain the skills and expertise required to analyze and manage corporate processes, document flows and their integration within the existing IT systems. Amongst other duties, he was also in charge of selecting hardware and software suppliers, of coordinating the company’s departments, of analyzing and changing both document flows and production processes, of developing customized software for the company and for some of its customers.

During his career he has also tackled the development of 3D museum portals and of a number of websites for educational and e-commerce purposes, as well as the analysis and development of customized software (for reporting and portals use) and multimedia catalogues.

All his experience and multi-faceted qualities are now available to 4easytech’s customers.